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Alchemical Studios                                                                                                  917-645-2569                            

104 W. 14th Street, New York, NY 10011                                                   





2005 – present               Founder /Artistic Director, Alchemical Studios, NYC

Appearance: A Suspense in Being, dir. by Carlo Altomare –

Collective creation, first exploration of Jazz Acting, a para-theatrical piece about acting.

Subliminal Reports, dir. by Carlo Altomare & Orietta Crispino - 8 soliloquy performances devised by the actors

Bodies of Evidence, dir. by Carlo Altomare & Orietta Crispino - 7 soliloquy performances devised by the actors

Excavation, Carlo Altomare, open piano and soundscape & Naoki Iwakawa, live action painter –

Action Painting Performance series. 13 sessions over 2 years.


Classes in Objective Acting, Jazz Acting, Living Theatre techniques, Meyerhold's Biomechanics


The Alchemical also curates experimental theatre, performance, music and visual art events.



1983 - present

Thesis development: paradoxical theatre, disappearance as a social and aesthetic problem, the theatre proper vs. performance art, creative public assembly. Research and practice towards a relevant contemporary experimental theatre


1982 –present                Founder / Director / Actor / Composer                           The Alchemical Theatre     

                                                                                                                        New York City/Seattle/Europe

There Is No More Firmament, by Antonin Artaud, (World Premiere)

New York City: New York Theatre Ensemble, LaMama ETC, The Alchemical Theatre, Charas

European tour: Bitef Festival (Belgrade), Berlin, Cologne, Milan, Sarajevo, Stockholm, etc

The Daily Activity of Slaves, based The Reproduction of Daily Life by Freddie Perlman

The Pyramid Club, 8 BC, New York Theatre Ensemble

Romance by Nick Markovich

Recherché, The Pyramid Bar, New York Theatre Ensemble,  The Rock Tunnel (Cologne)

The Law – This Place, two one act plays by Nick Markovich

New York Theatre Ensemble , E 4th St.

Pure War /The Madness of the Day, by Carlo Altomare, adapted from writings of Paul Virilio

& Maurice Blanchot –  New York City: The Alchemical Theatre Space, 539 East 13th St. Squat,

European Tour: Bitef Festival (Belgrade), Berlin, Cologne, Milan, Sarajevo, Stockholm, etc


              Writer and Composer for TV series “Citizen Reno”       Bravo Network


1992 – 1994
         Guest Professorship/Public Workshops                        DAMU, Czech Republic/Prague       Public classes and undergraduate creative movement and master classes in Meyerhold’s Biomechanics


1982 – 1986       Research and Editing Assistant to Dr. Maria Ley Piscator     The Piscator Foundation, NYC

For her book Objective Acting: Contact Theory and Practice


1973 ­– 2012       Actor/Composer/Collective Creation                                         The Living Theatre, NYC/Europe




The Legacy of Cain

7 Meditations On Political Sado-Masochism

Six Public Acts

The Dismantling of the Money Tower

The Body of Giuseppe Pinelli

Prometheus At The Winter Gates

The Strike Support Oratorium

The Tablets

I And I

Mysteries and Smaller Pieces

Korach, The Biblical Anarchist






1994     Divadlo Noviny, (New Theatre), monthly, Prague

1993     Amaterska Scenna, (Amateur Stage), monthly, Prague

1993     Korrespondenzen, Theatre Education Quarterly, Berlin

1984     Life and Death magazine, NYC

1984     Semiotext(e), quarterly, (The USA Issue), NYC

1983     Upstart, quarterly, Columbia University Press, NYC






1973 – 2014       Julian Beck and Judith Malina - The Living Theatre (mentors and teachers)

1973                 Directors Apprentice Program - McCarter Theatre, Princeton University

1969 – 1973       BFA Program - Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ 


Languages: Native English, Fluent Italian, some German and French






New York University, Experimental Theatre Wing - Rosemary Quinn, Director

            Lecture/Demonstration of Meyerhold's Biomechanics and The Living Theatre's work


Columbia University, Graduate Studies, French Philology - Sylvere Lotringer, Prof.

            Lecture on Antonin Artaud and The Alchemical Theatre production of There Is No More Firmament


Universite Paris 8, Undergraduate Theatre Department - Fannette Vander, Prof.

            Acting Technique Workshop/Meyerhold and Artaud/Collective Creation Workshop


Universite Paris 8, Doctoral Candidates/Arts et Philosophie - Dr. Jean-Marie Pradier,

            Lecture: The Changing Role of the Theatre in a Spectacular Society/Radical Public Assembly


Workshop Tour: Universities and Community Centers throughout West Germany (27 weeks)

            Aachen, Berlin, Bremmen, Cologne, Duisburg, Hannover, Marburg, Munich, Munster,  Stuttgart, etc.

            Direct Action Workshop: Collective creation and performance of an original piece with students.

A joint project of the Universities of Cologne and Augsburg, and The BundesStudentenKultursarbeit 


University of Krakow, Philosophy of Aesthetics Dept.

            Lecture on The Alchemical Theatre's There Is No More Firmament and Pure War/The Madness Of The Day


Free University of Berlin

            Lecture/Demonstration of Meyerhold's Biomechanics


The Max Rheinhardt Schule, Berlin; Ruth Preller, Prof..

            Lecture/Workshop: Meyerhold's Biomechanics, Method vs. Epic Acting


Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA

            Lecture: The History and Continuity of 20th Century Experimental Theatre

            Collective Creation Workshop with performance of original piece: The Banquet


University of Belgrad, Yugoslavia

            Lecture on Biomechanics, Collective Creation, and Radical Public Assembly


The New School for Social Research, New York City

            Lecture/Demonstration of Erwin Piscator's Contact Theory and Practice (with Dr. Maria Ley Piscator)


Cologne University, Theatre Department - Georg Franke, Director

            Course on Theatre Movement: Meyerhold's Biomechanics, Artaud, Epic Theatre, Collective Creation


Evergreen College, WA

            Lecture: Radical Public Assembly, Collective Creation. Workshop: Artaudian Acting Techniques


Commune Baires Theatre Collective, Milan

            Workshop: Meyerhold's Biomechanics, Collective Creation


Bergman Film School, Stockholm

            Lecture/Demonstration: Meyerhold's Biomechanics


Theatre Labyrinth, Prague, Czech Republic

            Lecture: The History and Continuity of 20th Century Experimental Theatre /Creative Public Assembly


The Brecht Forum, NYC

             The Political Theatre and Radical Public Assembly; lecture and discussion group (12 weeks)


The Alchemical Theatre Laboratory/Theaterlab, NYC

            Reading and discussion group on Antonin Artaud

            Objective Acting, Jazz Acting, Living Theatre Techniques, Meyerhold's Biomechanics






Select Works for Theatre

1999     Loretta Auditorium                                                                   The Alchemical Theatre, NYC                           Music for prepared piano and clarinet

1989     I and I by Elsa Lasker-Schuler                                                   The Living Theatre, NYC

Music for piano and percussion with songs and chorus

1987     The Tablets by Armand Schwerner                                           The Living Theatre, NYC

Music for piano, electric bass, synth, and percussion, with songs and antiphonal chorus

1984     Pure War/The Madness of the Day                                             The Alchemical Theatre, NYC/Poland

Music for piano, trumpet, percussion, and tape

1982     There Is No More Firmament by Antonin Artaud                       The Alchemical Theatre, NYC

Adapted by Carlo Altomare

Music for small theatre ensemble: prepared piano, violin, clarinet, percussion, tape, and chorus

1982     The Daily Activity of Slaves                                                      The Alchemical Theatre, NYC

Based on The Reproduction of Daily Life by Freddie Perlman

Music for tape, percussion, and chorus

1982     The Law/This Place, two one-act plays by Nick Markovich        The Alchemical Theatre, NYC

Music for prepared piano, clarinet, and violin

1981     Are You Now or Have You Ever Been                                          The Alchemical Theatre, NYC

Music for percussion and chorus

1981     Greetings From The Abyss                                                         The Alchemical Theatre, NYC

Music for tape, percussion, and chorus

1979     Mogadishu: Fear and Flying                                                       The Living Theatre, Frankfurt

                        Music for piano, prepared piano, percussion, and tape

1978     Prometheus                                                The Living Theatre, Rome

                        Music for piano, prepared piano, percussion, and two 4 track tapes

1976     The Body of Giuseppe Pinelli                                                     The Living Theatre, Torino

Percussion Piece for single Drum w/ Recitation and Chorus

1975     The Dismantling of the Money Tower                                        The Living Theatre, Biennale di Venezia

                        Industrial and melodic tape score w/ live operatic Sprechstimmer. (5 hr continuous score)

Found objects, analog synth., prepared piano, tape manipulation and splicing, voices

1972     Yevtushenko and Friends, prod. by Doubleday Inc.                    The Felt Forum, NYC

Music for chorus and rock ensemble for the Russian poet Yevtushenko’s premier reading in America: with Ginsberg, Wilbur, Kunitz, et al.


Film and TV

2000     Citizen Reno
                                      Bravo Network

Four Episode Project with the comedian, Reno Aired in April 2001. Composer and Writer

1983     Signals Through The Flames
                          Mystic Fire Video, NYC

A film by Sheldon Rochlin and Maxine Harris. Composer and Music Editor






Jean-Marie Pradier, Laboratoire d'ethnoscénologie, doctorate program, Universite Paris 8, tel. (01) 49 40 66 16

Fanette Vandeville, Theatre Professor, Universite Paris 8, tel. (01) 49 40 66 16

Sylvere Lotringer, Professor, French Philology, Columbia University; Founder: Semiotext(e) Magazine,




I have always loved the work of producing and organizing a place where artists can develop and present their projects.

It’s a privilege and a creative endeavor in its vision and attention to detail.  Every day I aspire toward it being a work of art in itself. I see The Alchemical Theatre Laboratory as such a place.

When I left The Living Theatre in 1979, it seemed clear to me that the theatre was primarily about the meeting of artist and public, a creative public assembly.  The occurrences on stage serve as a catalyst to ignite an often surprising experience of how we see ourselves and one another, how we might better understand community, or achieve a glimpse of inspired communion. This is the intended outcome of the alchemical opus.

­– Carlo Altomare

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